Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Mist clings to the wool of my jacket
Chill morning air stings my face
The leaden roof of clouds
Presses against the green-grey countryside
I breathe the land
Filling the vacant corners of my being
My rolling hills
And rocky shores
The endless bed of grass that softens my steps
My thoughts and dreams finding a resting a place
In the tracks I leave behind

Touching the Sky

There are times
When the sky is so blue
It hurts to not be immersed in it
And the desperate feeling
That if I just tried hard enough
If I connected to that space inside that holds me to the ground
And cut the string
I could soar into that expanse
Brings tears to my eyes

Monday, April 2, 2012

Afternoon Tea

Late in the day
Cold and weary
Worn out from the noise
And needs of others
I find myself empty
And lonely                 

A quiet corner
A soft chair
A cup of tea
The company of myself
My thoughts and reflections
Warming me more than my drink
Comforted and comfortable
Amidst the lengthening shadows
And the blanket of quiet
That converge with the setting sun